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Who Is Divia Dhir?


Just A Human Obsessed With Timeless Techniques.

In 2021, I was exhausted.


I dealt with tremendous stress as I didn’t have a system for getting new clients.


But then I discovered New Age Writing.  


It not only brought in clients but also healed me from within.


Here's how a 6-Fig Astrologer became a Writer (and why you too should consider it if you want to sell your ideas & print cash online):

In 2021, I almost gave up.


My livelihood hinged on widening my offer suite to upsell my existing clients.


I would wake up, feeling the weight of the day ahead pressing down on me like a heavy stone on my chest.


I longed for a system to attract new clients


clients who valued high-quality service and were willing to pay top dollar for it.


This need led me into the world of marketing.


But after discovering what marketing entailed, I was sure that I wanted to completely outsource it rather than doing it myself.


So, I hired a "Guru".


Long story short—it was $10,000 down the drain.


I felt cheated and wronged, like a knot tightening in my chest.


But I'm stubborn. And I don't give up.


Frustrated and determined to get better at marketing than the so-called guru, I set out on a journey to master it myself.


For the next two years, I invested heavily in acquiring the skill:


  • Bought countless courses, mentorships, and communities worth $53,000.​

  • Spent every waking minute learning and practicing the craft.


My life was a blur of sleepless nights, my mind buzzing with ideas and strategies.


Then one day, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, 


I sat down with a cup of steaming tea and decided to distill everything I had learned into a coherent system.


Aka The New Age Writing System.


As I wrote things down, my thoughts flowed like a river finding its course...


The process of writing and organizing my knowledge sparked a sense of magic within me.


It was like a rush of dopamine, electrifying every nerve in my body.


So I started using my systems for building my brand online. And...


With just 200 followers on X, I monetized, earning $5,000 per month—without paid promotion, videos, or complex funnels.


This success gave me the confidence to keep moving forward.


Soon writing became more than just a marketing tool; it became my passion.


Every time I wrote, I would enter a flow state and three things would happen:


• A soft, tender healing from within

• Mind-blasting epiphanies

• Enhanced thinking, speaking, and analysis




I decided to completely write out the curriculum of my astrology program.


The results were amazing.


My students showered me with compliments on the clarity, flow, and big-picture thinking I provided.


You see...


Writing in a certain way:


convinced others,

• made them want more, and most importantly,

• it made them hand me their credit cards for more access to me and my products.


It added fire to my ideas, offers, and brand.


And then New Age Writing helped me uncover my true calling:


Distilling ideas for inner growth.


You see...


New Age Writing is: 


hypnosis with words

selling with words

• fuel for transformation


And massive dopamine hits is a bonus.


Soon I began offering New Age Writing systems to my existing clients.


A doctor client signed up for it and I helped him add $101k in ARR in 60 days.


You know, earlier, writing used to complement my meditation sessions.


But now, writing itself has become meditation for me.


More than making money, writing has become my vessel for inner growth.


I hope it becomes yours too.


Deep insights, endless inspiration, and quote-worthy ideas await you.

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